Adjust your sails!
Do your own thinking independently. Be the chess player, not the chess piece. – Ralph Charell Your second step in Outthinking the Outdoors™ is important to creating a successful, energetic 4-season life for your patio and your restaurant. Step 2: Adjust your Sails Do you still operate your business the same exact way today as […]
Saying yes! open up to the possibilities
When we put down our ideas of perfection or ideas of the norm, then we are free to wholeheartedly say YES which opens endless possibilities. Welcome to our first ”how to” blog post in our guide to converting your Good-Weather-Only patio to an All Year Round patio. Pay attention, this first step toward Outthinking the […]
4 tips to increase your patio revenue without increasing the size of your patio
Do you have an outdoor patio that could work harder for your restaurant business? A patio that sits empty when rough, severe or unfriendly weather passes through your sky? Imagine the freedom, peace of mind and sense of security you’d feel if you could guarantee 4 seasons of comfortable patio weather for your patrons. Imagine […]
What are your clients saying?
A restaurant’s guests gave us their opinion of dining in the Cabreeze™; you might be surprised with their responses! Almost exactly one year ago, employees of Cabrio Structures were working in the warm (for Minnesota, that is) weather to make sure Pat Boemer’s patio could be opened for St Patrick’s Day. There was snow on […]
New Years Resolution: patio all year round
Cabreeze™ owners are already keeping their patio open all year round because of these 3 factors! Sun and beaches are a distant memory for most of the contiguous United States. For the past few months we’ve been experiencing a constant decrease in temperature with an increase in the number of layers worn outside. Winter weather […]
Cabrio Structures won IFAI award | December 13, 2012 By Galynn Nordstrom On Thursday morning, Nov. 8th, the first-ever ShowStoppers awards were distributed on the show floor to this year’s eight winners: Applied DNA Sciences, Cabrio™ Structures, Carlson Design, Consew®, King Tech Industry Corp., Sommers Plastic Products, Thomson Research Associates and Xtreme Seal. From a total of 84 products […]
5 tips for holiday decorating
Holiday decorations can be beautifully inspired spaces for the Season of Joy. And, although reindeer are a part of the tradition, let’s move beyond the roof line up and toward the sophisticated atmosphere created by candles, lanterns, shimmering lights, and crackling fireplaces; the scent of a pine tree, wreaths and greenery; ornaments, red velvet ribbon […]
Cabrio Structures Award Winner
November 9, 2012 The Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI) announced the 2012 ShowStoppers awards for the best of the best new products at the IFAI Expo Americas 2012, at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center in Boston, Mass. IFAI received a total of 84 entries from 4 countries that were submitted by 56 companies in […]
Dining al fresco through the Holidays
[Minnesota has] blizzards, snow, wind, sleet, ice, you name it. And, in a Minnesotan December, Lake Elmo Inn, one of the Early Adopters of the Cabreeze™, kept their patio open! Last year after Thanksgiving, my cousins and I joined the mass of holiday shoppers at a Minnesotan mall. For lunch, we met at an upscale […]
Patio problems and concerns solved by a Cabreeze™
Unknown weather, wind, sun, rain, limited seating, patio theft: each solved by Cabreeze™. If you’re a serious outdoor patio connoisseur, eventually you’ll start asking the question: “How do I deal with ________ (fill in your weather nightmare.)” Type “retractable patio system” into a Google search bar and up pops a seemingly endless list of companies […]