Do you have an outdoor patio that could work harder for your restaurant business? A patio that sits empty when rough, severe or unfriendly weather passes through your sky?
Imagine the freedom, peace of mind and sense of security you’d feel if you could guarantee 4 seasons of comfortable patio weather for your patrons. Imagine the additional revenue if you could have a full patio even just 2 extra days per year. What about 2 extra month per year?
Here are 4 tips to increase your patio revenue:
1. Increase the number of customers on your patio
Most likely you’re unable to expand your patio physically. But could you extend the time your patio is open? And no, we don’t mean turn into a 24-hour diner.
We mean to say that you can seat people on your patio into the winter months, during rainstorms and snow storms and wind storms. Seat people when it’s 120˚F plus 95% humidity. Seat people when it’s 40˚F and cold or 70˚F with gusts of blowing wind. Seat people on your patio at night even when the mosquitos come out, and seat people at high noon without worrying about providing sunscreen.
That’s what we mean by ”increase the number of customers.”
2. Increase average transaction size
If it weren’t for temperatures dropping at night, rain clouds coming through in the middle of dinner or bugs swarming… your guests would order that next round of drinks or dessert on your patio. So next time Mother Nature turns vindictive, control the climate your patrons experience on your patio.
It’s time to control the weather on your patio, rather than letting the weather control your patio.
3. Increase frequency of transactions per customer
Your customers will be very happy when they realize no matter the weather, they can sit on the patio! Consistency, clarity, simplicity: these are 3 values that keep customers coming back again and again.
Consistency. Guarantee event booking–birthday party, anniversary celebration or bridal shower–on the patio months in advance.
Clarity & Simplicity. When guests simply know the patio will be open, they will come back again and again.
A happy patrons means additional future business!
4. Raise your prices
As word gets out and your al fresco patio grows in popularity, you’ll be able to raise prices. This might not happen in the first month or even the first six months, but it is the 4th way to increase the revenue on your patio only after you’ve created a patio full of energy, life and popularity!
the takeaway message:
Increase your patio revenue by:
1. creating buzz,
2. controlling weather on your patio so your patrons are not interrupted by weather,
3. when your patrons are happy with their patio experience they’ll return more often, and
4. more demand = higher prices.
Source: The Personal MBA Masterclass