Cabreeze™ owners are already keeping their patio open all year round because of these 3 factors!
Sun and beaches are a distant memory for most of the contiguous United States. For the past few months we’ve been experiencing a constant decrease in temperature with an increase in the number of layers worn outside. Winter weather usually means restaurant patios shut down and patio chairs and tables sit unused. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
With Cabrio Structures, you can keep your patio open all year long! Negative thirty degrees might be incompatible with human life, but it doesn’t have to shut down your restaurant patio. Crisp, clear blue skies, freezing temperatures and two feet of snow has its own patio appeal.
Cabrio Structures thrives on helping restaurants keep their patios open all year long! Here are three ways we work to increase the longevity of your patio:
1. A roof over your head
Our Retractable Roofs offer the best of both worlds. When weather is unpredictable, and even when it’s predictable, having a roof on standby to close and open at will is a huge step up to seating guests on your patio all four-seasons.
Our Cabreeze roof is a heavy-duty roof, meant to stand up to tough conditions. There are a few options under our Cabreeze roof: Multi-Stack allows the roof to be open more than fifty percent, and Single-Stack opens less than fifty percent. Both are snow-load certified.
Umbrel is a retractable roof for softer weather, best used as a sunshade or protection from rain.
2. Walls at the blink of an eye
Our Opening Walls open and close as wind and weather require. The idea is, it’s your prerogative to open or close the walls. It’s for your guests to close the wall section if they get chilly, to open the walls if they aren’t. It’s for the person on the street who wants to use a wall section as a door.
Our Clear Frameless Wall System (see photo above) allows the most visibility from inside an enclosed patio, which gives the feeling of being one with nature. This walls system also offer “breeze gaps” when the wall sections are opened a few inches away from each other to allow a breeze to coming into the retractable patio structure.
3. Heat, glorious heat
Hanging infrared heat acts on the surfaces in a patio to create warmth. Forced air heat can be used in our retractable patio structures as well. Whether you chose to have a only opening walls, only a retracting roof or both, we’ll find a way to keep you and your guests Embracing the Outdoors™ longer each year.