
How long will it take for us to have a Cabreeze™?

hour glassToday my goal is to answer a common question: ”how long does it take?”

The simple answer is 15-32 weeks. (We’ve been averaging 17 weeks to installation.)

The more in-depth answer is here:


When you first meet us at a trade show or by a Google search, it might take you some time to fully realize what we can do for you and/or your business. We call this the courtship stage. How long this stage takes is completely up to you.

We hope it doesn’t take you too long, because the next stages is where the excitement begins.


The second stage is when you ”get it” — the vision of what a retractable patio structure will do for you (control bad weather, give you peace of mind, or whatever) — and you request a complementary estimate.

And, so far, you’ve spent $0. No risk.

The complementary estimate takes approximately 3 days.


However, as they say, no risk, no reward. After you receive your estimate and are pleased, we move into the Design Proposal stage ($1850, applied toward purchase price). We visit your site to analyze your needs in person, assess your permitting needs, concept drawings, floor plans, project time line.

The part we love best? Calculating your Return On Investment (ROI). Because our purpose is to provide a tangible increase in days your patio is open. And the more your patio is open, the more you can seat guests.

The Design Proposal takes about 3 weeks.


Next we move into obtaining permits for your retractable structure and work on the structural engineering. Your Cabreeze™ components move through fabrication, finishing and assembly and then delivery and installation. Some of these activities can run along side each other to speed up your timeline.

We call this stage permitting and structural engineering and takes about 11-28 weeks.


By the time you reach this point (in real life) you’re retractable Cabreeze™ patio structure is up and running, you’re seating patrons on your patio even when it’s raining or snowing or windy outside. And we aren’t finished with you!

You’ll receive a maintenance manual with your Cabreeze™, ongoing support and a 1 year warranty.

Takeaway message.

At the longest, it could take up to 8 months for your Cabreeze™ to be 100% installed and useable.

Want a Cabreeze™ this fall and winter? Plan to start your process today by requesting your COMPLEMENTARY PROPOSAL!

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