Case Studies

Lake Elmo Inn, MN

Less than 3 months per year were decent patio days and Lake Elmo Inn wanted more time on their patio. And so John Schiltz installed a plastic tent to increase the amount of time Lake Elmo could seat patrons on their patio. However, no matter how many lights and decorations John hung on and around the tent, it was still a plastic tent.

And then John discovered Cabrio Structures.

Cabrio Structures designed, engineered and installed Lake Elmo Inn’s Cabreeze™:


Year-round patio. Lake Elmo Inn seats patrons on their patio all year round, no matter if it’s raining or snowing!

Profits. In the first December, Lake Elmo Inn made an additional $50,000+ in revenue simply by seating more people on their patio.

Esthetics. The elegant Cabreeze™ outweighs the plastic tent by a long shot.


“In December we seated over 1,000 additional guests ($50,000+ additional revenue) on our patio. Living in Minnesota I never thought I would be able to say that.” ~ John Schiltz, owner.

“We used to have a tent on our patio and no matter how we dressed it up it was still a tent. Our Cabreeze™ is not only functional, but it looks fantastic and adds to the character of our building.” ~ John Schiltz, owner.

“We heard about the ‘snow globe’ from John talking about it on the radio and came over for our first time from Minneapolis. We love it!” ~ Patron of Lake Elmo Inn.

“The Cabreeze™ is so bright and sunny, I love serving out there!” ~ Server at Lake Elmo Inn.

In the News

“John Schiltz, owner of the Lake Elmo Inn, has always had good patio business, but with the addition of a Cabreeze™ structure, he can now cash in on this business year-round.” ~ MN Meetings Mag | November 30, 2010

“Lake Elmo Inn chef-owner John Schiltz said his Cabreeze™ enabled him to seat 1,000 extra diners during the holidays and 500 extra during Valentine’s weekend in his 35-seat patio, which he previously covered with a temporary tent. His family celebrated Christmas in the Cabreeze™, which he heats to operate year-round.” ~ Star Tribune | September 4, 2011

“With UV protection, a retractable roof, a 90-mph wind rating, and the ability to withstand heavy snow loads, the Cabreeze™ can hack whatever weather Minnesota can muster … It is affectionately known as the ‘snow globe’ and ‘Lake Elmo’s newest chapel.’ ” ~ | October 31, 2011

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