Garry’s Grill Pandemic Pivot

Garry’s Grill Finding Success in Uncertain Times Eddie Conway, the owner of Gary’s Grill and Catering in Severna Park, MD, has been making the best of the Coronavirus Pandemic. It has been stressful, but through adaptation and appreciation, Eddie has found success. When the Coronavirus restrictions first started, Eddie closed his business for two weeks. […]

Cabrio Structures Makes Outdoor Structures Convertible!

Geek Beat is one of the world’s most recognizable technology news brands, delivering daily tech news, tips, and reviews and a few years ago they featured Cabrio Structures in a video. Check it out! ”With retractable roofs from Cabrio Structures, restaurants can make use of their outdoor patios even when the weather isn’t perfect.”

How to finally use your outdoor patio during high-traffic holidays!

You want to be able to be full to capacity during high-traffic sections of the day like breakfast, lunch and dinner. Naturally. And wouldn’t it be nice to count on your outdoor patio for those high-traffic periods too? All too often, we hear of restaurant owners express dissatisfaction in having little or no control over the availability of their […]

Spring has finally arrived, patios are filling up!

We don’t like empty patios and full restaurants with long lines of hungry patrons. We’ve been there, and it’s not fun. It’s not fun to be the patron with pager in hand, waiting for an empty table. It’s not fun for you, the restaurant owner, knowing that just one day earlier you could seat an […]

Something big is coming + pre-patio season tips

This year, the frost levels are so deep that Spring is certain to be days — if not weeks! — later than usual. Use these tips to create peace of mind and make sure your restaurant is 100% ready to come out of hibernation and make the entrance into Patio Season! Catalog patio furniture. Make […]

What can we do for you?

INCREASE PATIO DAYS. Our ideal client  is someone who has an outdoor patio and — because of weather — sometimes needs to turn people away because their patio is unusable. We take your patio and turn it into a 4-season (yes, all year round, 365 1/4th days) aesthetically pleasing place to eat, dance, book bachelorette parties […]

Are you a visionary?

vi·sion·ar·y ˈviZHəˌnerē/ adjective 1. a person with original ideas about what the future will or could be like. ”a visionary leader” • • • Our job gives us the opportunity to meet with a lot of creative people. The hospitality industry alone has its fair share of creative people but restaurateurs take the cake! The nature […]